Source code for dwopt.dbo

import logging
import re

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as alc

from dwopt._qry import _Qry
from dwopt.set_up import _make_iris_df, _make_mtcars_df

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def db(eng, **kwargs): """The :class:`database operator object <dwopt.dbo._Db>` factory. Args ----------- eng: str, or sqlalchemy.engine.Engine A `sqlalchemy engine url < core/engines.html#database-urls>`_, which combines the user name, password, database names, etc. Alternatively a Database connection engine to be used. Use the :func:`dwopt.make_eng` function to make engine. kwargs: Additional engine creation arguments. Returns ------- dwopt.dbo._Db The relevant database operator object. Examples ------------- Produce a sqlite database operator object: >>> from dwopt import db >>> d = db("sqlite://") >>> d.mtcars() >>>'select count(1) from mtcars') count(1) 0 32 Produce a postgre database operator object: >>> from dwopt import db >>> url = "postgresql://dwopt_tester:1234@localhost/dwopt_test" >>> db(url).iris(q=True).len() 150 Produce using engine object: >>> from dwopt import db, make_eng >>> eng = make_eng("sqlite://") >>> db(eng).mtcars(q=1).len() 32 Produce an oracle database operator object: >>> from dwopt import db, Oc >>> url = "oracle+oracledb://scott2:tiger@tnsname" >>> isinstance(db(url), Oc) True Use additional engine creation arguments:: from dwopt import db url = ( "oracle+oracledb://dwopt_test:1234@localhost:1521/?service_name=XEPDB1 " "&encoding=UTF-8&nencoding=UTF-8" ) lib_dir = "C:/app/{user_name}/product/21c/dbhomeXE/bin" o = db(url, thick_mode={"lib_dir": lib_dir})"select * from dual") """ if isinstance(eng, str): eng = alc.create_engine(eng, **kwargs) else: if not isinstance(eng, alc.engine.Engine): raise ValueError("Invalid eng, either engine url or engine") nme = if nme == "postgresql": return Pg(eng) elif nme == "sqlite": return Lt(eng) elif nme == "oracle": return Oc(eng) else: raise ValueError("Invalid engine, either postgres, sqlite, or oracle")
[docs]def Db(eng, **kwargs): """Alias for :func:`dwopt.db`""" return db(eng, **kwargs)
[docs]class _Db: """ The base database operator class. See examples for quick-start. Instantiate the child classes for different databases via one of below ways: * The factory function: :func:`dwopt.db`. * The pre-instantiated objects on package import. * The relevant child classes. The child classes and the pre-instantiated objects: ========== =================== ======================== Database Child class Pre-instantiated object ========== =================== ======================== Postgre ``dwopt.Pg(eng)`` ```` Sqlite ``dwopt.Lt(eng)`` ```` Oracle ``dwopt.Oc(eng)`` ``dwopt.oc`` ========== =================== ======================== Pre-instantiation uses the default credentials set-up prior by the user via the :func:`dwopt.save_url` function. Args ---------- eng: str, or sqlalchemy.engine.Engine A `sqlalchemy engine url < core/engines.html#database-urls>`_, which combines the user name, password, database names, etc. Alternatively a Database connection engine to be used. Use the :func:`dwopt.make_eng` function to make engine. kwargs: Additional engine creation arguments. Attributes ---------- eng: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine Underlying engine. Details see `sqlalchemy.engine.Engine < connections.html#sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>`_ meta: sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData Underlying metadata. Details see `sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData < metadata.html#sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData>`_ Examples -------- Instantiate and use a Sqlite database operator object via factory: >>> from dwopt import db >>> d = db("sqlite://") >>> d.mtcars() >>>'select count(1) from mtcars') count(1) 0 32 Use the pre-instantiated Sqlite database operator object: >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.iris() >>> lt.qry('iris').len() 150 Instantiate and use a Postgre database operator object via the class: >>> from dwopt import Pg >>> p = Pg("postgresql://dwopt_tester:1234@localhost/dwopt_test") >>> p.mtcars(q=1).len() 32 Additonal engine creation arguments:: from dwopt import Pg p = Pg("postgresql://dwopt_tester:1234@localhost/dwopt_test", echo=1) p.mtcars() """ def __init__(self, eng, **kwargs): if isinstance(eng, str): self.eng = alc.create_engine(eng, **kwargs) else: self.eng = eng self.meta = alc.MetaData() _nme = if _nme == "postgresql": self._dialect = "pg" elif _nme == "sqlite": self._dialect = "lt" elif _nme == "oracle": self._dialect = "oc" def _bind_mods(self, sql, mods=None, **kwargs): """Apply modification to sql statement Examples ----------- import re def f(sql, i, j): return re.sub(f":{i}(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)", str(j), sql) f("from tbl_:yr_0304", 'yr', 2017) f(f("from tbl_:yr_:yr1_0304", 'yr', 2017), 'yr1', 2018) f("from tbl_:yr_mth_tbl", 'yr_mth', 2017) """ if mods is None: mods = kwargs else: mods.update(kwargs) for i, j in mods.items(): sql = re.sub(f":{i}(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)", str(j), sql) _logger.debug(f"replaced :{i} by {j}") return sql def _guess_dtype(self, dtype): """See :meth:`dwopt.dbo._Db.create`""" if self._dialect == "pg": if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.int64): return alc.dialects.postgresql.BIGINT elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.float64): return alc.Float(8) elif self._dialect == "lt": if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.float64): return alc.REAL elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.datetime64): return alc.String elif self._dialect == "oc": if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.int64): return elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.float64): return alc.Float elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.datetime64): return alc.Date else: return alc.String(20) else: raise ValueError("invalid dialect, only 'pg', 'lt', or 'oc'") if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.int64): return alc.Integer elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.float64): return alc.Float elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.datetime64): return alc.DateTime else: return alc.String def _parse_sch_tbl_nme(self, sch_tbl_nme, split=True): """Resolve schema dot table name name into lower case components. Args ------ sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. split: bool Split form or not. Returns ---------- str or (str, str, str) parsed names, all elements can be None. Examples --------- >>> import dwopt >>> d = dwopt.dbo._Db >>> f = lambda x:d._parse_sch_tbl_nme(d, x, split=True) >>> g = lambda x:d._parse_sch_tbl_nme(d, x) >>> for i in ['ab', 'Ab', 'ab.ab', 'Ab.Ab', 'Ab.Ab.Ab', '', None, 3]: ... print(f"{i = }, {f(i) = }, {g(i) = }") i = 'ab', f(i) = ('ab', None, 'ab'), g(i) = 'ab' i = 'Ab', f(i) = ('ab', None, 'ab'), g(i) = 'ab' i = 'ab.ab', f(i) = ('ab.ab', 'ab', 'ab'), g(i) = 'ab.ab' i = 'Ab.Ab', f(i) = ('ab.ab', 'ab', 'ab'), g(i) = 'ab.ab' i = 'Ab.Ab.Ab', f(i) = ('ab.ab.ab', 'ab', 'ab.ab'), g(i) = 'ab.ab.ab' i = '', f(i) = ('', None, ''), g(i) = '' i = None, f(i) = (None, None, None), g(i) = None i = 3, f(i) = (None, None, None), g(i) = None """ try: clean = sch_tbl_nme.lower() items = clean.split(".") except AttributeError: sch = None tbl_nme = None full_nme = None else: n = len(items) if n == 1: sch = None tbl_nme = items[0] full_nme = tbl_nme elif n == 2: sch = items[0] tbl_nme = items[1] full_nme = clean else: sch = items[0] tbl_nme = ".".join(items[1:n]) full_nme = clean if split: return full_nme, sch, tbl_nme else: return full_nme def _remove_sch_tbl(self, sch_tbl_nme): """Remove sch_tbl from meta. Args ------ sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. Examples ----------- Set-up:: from dwopt import pg import sqlalchemy as alc meta = pg.meta First table entry into meta overwrites second one:: meta.clear() alc.Table('test', meta, schema='test') alc.Table('test.test', meta) meta.tables meta.clear() alc.Table('test.test', meta) alc.Table('test', meta, schema='test') meta.tables No schema is entered unless explicitly:: meta.clear() alc.Table('test.test', meta, schema=None) meta.clear() alc.Table('test.test.test', meta) meta.clear() alc.Table('test.test', meta, schema='test') Items removed by key not certain on schema:: meta.clear() alc.Table('test', meta) alc.Table('test.test', meta) alc.Table('test.test.test', meta) meta.tables['test'] meta.tables['test.test'] meta.tables['test.test.test'] meta.tables """ if sch_tbl_nme in self.meta.tables: self.meta.remove(self.meta.tables[sch_tbl_nme]) def _run(self, sql, args=None): """Run sql statement with argument passing""" with self.eng.begin() as c:"running:\n{sql}") if args is not None:"{len(args) = }") r = c.execute(alc.text(sql), args) else: r = c.execute(alc.text(sql))"done") if r.returns_rows: return pd.DataFrame(r.all(), columns=r.keys())
[docs] def add_pkey(self, sch_tbl_nme, pkey): """Make and run an add primary key statement. Work on postgre and oracle. Args ---------- sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. pkey : str columns names in form "col1, col2, ...". Examples -------- >>> from dwopt import pg >>> pg.mtcars() >>> pg.add_pkey('mtcars', 'name') >>> pg.qry('information_schema.constraint_table_usage').select( ... 'table_name, constraint_name').where( ... "table_schema = 'public'", "table_name = 'mtcars'").run() table_name constraint_name 0 mtcars mtcars_pkey """ sql = f"alter table {sch_tbl_nme} add primary key ({pkey})" return
[docs] def create(self, sch_tbl_nme, dtypes=None, **kwargs): """ Make and run a create table statment. Args ---------- sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. dtypes : {str:str}, optional Dictionary of column names to data types mappings. **kwargs : Convenient way to add mappings. Keyword to argument mappings will be added to the dtypes dictionary. Notes ----- **Datatypes** Datatypes vary across databases (`postgre types < datatype.html>`_, `sqlite types <>`_, `oracle types < oracle-database/21/sqlqr/Data-Types.html>`_), common example below: ========== =========== ======= ============ Type Postgre Sqlite Oracle ========== =========== ======= ============ integer bigint integer number float float8 real float string varchar(20) text varchar2(20) datetime timestamp text date date date text date ========== =========== ======= ============ **Other statements** The ``dtypes`` mappings also allow other sql statements which are part of a create statement to be added (`sqlite other <>`_, `postgre other < sql-createtable.html>`_, `oracle other < oracle-database/21/sqlrf/CREATE-TABLE.html>`_). For example a primary key constraint. Examples -------- >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.drop('test') >>> lt.create( ... 'test', ... { ... 'id': 'integer' ... ,'score': 'real' ... ,'amt': 'integer' ... ,'cat': 'text' ... ,'time': 'text' ... ,'constraint df_pk': 'primary key (id)' ... }) >>>"select * from test") Empty DataFrame Columns: [id, score, amt, cat, time] Index: [] >>> lt.drop('test2') >>> lt.create('test2', id='integer', score='real', cat='text') >>>"select * from test2") Empty DataFrame Columns: [id, score, cat] Index: [] """ if dtypes is None: dtypes = kwargs else: dtypes.update(kwargs) cls = "" for col, dtype in dtypes.items(): cls += f"\n ,{col} {dtype}""create table {sch_tbl_nme}(" f"\n {cls[6:]}" "\n)")
[docs] def create_schema(self, sch_nme): """Make and run a create schema statement. Works on postgre. Args ---------- sch_nme: str Schema name. Examples -------- >>> from dwopt import pg >>> pg.create_schema('test') >>> pg.iris('test.iris', q=1).len() 150 """ try:"create schema {sch_nme}") except Exception as ex: if "already exists" in str(ex): pass else: raise (ex)
[docs] def cwrite(self, df, sch_tbl_nme): """Create table and insert based on dataframe. * Replace ``.`` by ``_`` in dataframe column names. * Data types infered based on the :meth:`dwopt.dbo._Db.create` method notes. Also, date type columns are treated same as str type columns. * Reversibility issue see :meth:`dwopt.dbo._Db.write` method notes. Args ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Payload Dataframe with data to insert. sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from dwopt import lt >>> tbl = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': ['a', 'b']}) >>> lt.drop('test') >>> lt.cwrite(tbl, 'test') >>> lt.qry('test').run() col1 col2 0 1 a 1 2 b Attempt to write a dataframe into database and query back the same dataframe. >>> from dwopt import pg >>> from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal >>> df = pg.mtcars(q=1).run().sort_values('name').reset_index(drop=True) >>> pg.drop('mtcars2') >>> pg.cwrite(df, 'mtcars2') >>> df_back = pg.qry('mtcars2').run().sort_values('name').reset_index(drop=True) >>> assert_frame_equal(df_back, df) """ df = df.copy() df.columns = [_.lower().replace(".", "_") for _ in df.columns] sch_tbl_nme, sch, tbl_nme = self._parse_sch_tbl_nme(sch_tbl_nme) self._remove_sch_tbl(sch_tbl_nme) tbl = alc.Table( tbl_nme, self.meta, *[alc.Column(col, self._guess_dtype(df[col].dtype)) for col in df.columns], schema=sch, )"creating table via sqlalchemy:") for col in tbl.columns.items():"{col}") tbl.create(self.eng)"done") self.write(df, sch_tbl_nme)
[docs] def delete(self): """WIP""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def drop(self, sch_tbl_nme): """Drop table if exist. Args ---------- sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. See also ---------- :meth:`dwopt.dbo._Db.exist` Examples -------- >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.drop('iris') >>> lt.iris() >>> lt.drop('iris') >>> lt.exist('iris') False >>> from dwopt import pg >>> pg.create_schema('test') >>> tbl = 'test.iris' >>> pg.iris(tbl) >>> pg.exist(tbl) True >>> pg.drop(tbl) >>> pg.exist(tbl) False """ sch_tbl_nme, sch, tbl_nme = self._parse_sch_tbl_nme(sch_tbl_nme) self._remove_sch_tbl(sch_tbl_nme) with self.eng.begin() as conn:"dropping table via sqlalchemy: {sch_tbl_nme}") alc.Table(tbl_nme, self.meta, schema=sch).drop(conn, checkfirst=True)"done")
[docs] def exist(self, sch_tbl_nme): """Check if table exist. Args ------ sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. Returns ---------- bool Examples --------- >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.iris() >>> lt.drop('mtcars') >>> lt.exist('iris') True >>> lt.exist('mtcars') False >>> from dwopt import pg as d >>> d.create_schema('test') >>> d.iris('test.iris') >>> d.drop('test.mtcars') >>> d.exist('test.iris') True >>> d.exist('test.mtcars') False """ sch_tbl_nme, sch, tbl_nme = self._parse_sch_tbl_nme(sch_tbl_nme) self._remove_sch_tbl(sch_tbl_nme) try:"reflecting table via sqlalchemy: {sch_tbl_nme}") self.meta.reflect(self.eng, schema=sch, only=[tbl_nme])"done") return True except Exception as ex: if "Could not reflect: requested table(s) not available in Engine" in str( ex ): _logger.debug(ex) return False else: raise ex
[docs] def iris(self, sch_tbl_nme="iris", q=False): """Create the iris test table on the database. Drop and recreate if already exist. Sourced from `UCI iris <>`_. args ------- sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. Default ``iris``. q: bool Return query object or not. Default False. Returns ------- None or dwopt._qry._Qry Query object with sch_tbl_nme loaded for convenience. Examples -------- >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.iris() >>>'select count(*) from iris') count(*) 0 150 >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.iris(q=True).valc('species', 'avg(petal_length)') species n avg(petal_length) 0 sicolor 50 4.260 1 setosa 50 1.462 2 rginica 50 5.552 >>> from dwopt import pg >>> pg.create_schema('test') >>> pg.iris('test.iris', q=1).len() 150 """ sch_tbl_nme = self._parse_sch_tbl_nme(sch_tbl_nme, split=False) self.drop(sch_tbl_nme) self.cwrite(_make_iris_df(), sch_tbl_nme) if q: return self.qry(sch_tbl_nme)
[docs] def list_cons(self): """ List all constraints. Only works for postgre. Uses the postgre `information_schema.constraint_table_usage < constraint-table-usage.html>`_ table. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Examples ---------- >>> from dwopt import pg >>> pg.mtcars() >>> pg.add_pkey('mtcars', 'name') >>> pg.list_cons().loc[ ... lambda x:(x.table_schema == 'public') & (x.table_name == 'mtcars'), ... ['table_name', 'constraint_name'] ... ].reset_index(drop=True) table_name constraint_name 0 mtcars mtcars_pkey """ if self._dialect == "pg": sql = "SELECT * FROM information_schema.constraint_table_usage" return else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def list_tables(self, owner): """ List all tables on database or specified schema. Args ---------- owner : str Only applicable for oracle. Name of the schema(owner). Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Notes ----- Postgre sql used, `information_schema.tables <>`_: .. code-block:: sql select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name ,is_insertable_into,commit_action from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('information_schema','pg_catalog') Sqlite sql used, `sqlite_schema <>`_: .. code-block:: sql select * from sqlite_master where type ='table' and name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' Oracle sql used, `all_tab_columns < refrn/ALL_TAB_COLUMNS.html>`_: .. code-block:: sql select/*+PARALLEL (4)*/ owner,table_name ,max(column_name),min(column_name) from all_tab_columns where owner = ':owner' group by owner,table_name Examples ----------- >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.iris() >>> lt.mtcars() >>> lt.drop('test') >>> lt.drop('test2') >>> lt.list_tables().iloc[:,:-2] type name tbl_name 0 table iris iris 1 table mtcars mtcars """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def mtcars(self, sch_tbl_nme="mtcars", q=False): """Create the mtcars test table on the database. Drop and recreate if already exist. Sourced from `R mtcars < /versions/3.6.2/topics/mtcars>`_. args ------- sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. Default ``mtcars``. q: bool Return query object or not. Default False. Returns ------- None or dwopt._qry._Qry Query object with sch_tbl_nme loaded for convenience. Examples -------- >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.mtcars() >>>'select count(*) from mtcars') count(*) 0 32 >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.mtcars(q=True).valc('cyl', 'avg(mpg)') cyl n avg(mpg) 0 8 14 15.100000 1 4 11 26.663636 2 6 7 19.742857 >>> from dwopt import pg >>> pg.create_schema('test') >>> pg.mtcars('test.mtcars', q=1).len() 32 """ sch_tbl_nme = self._parse_sch_tbl_nme(sch_tbl_nme, split=False) self.drop(sch_tbl_nme) self.cwrite(_make_mtcars_df(), sch_tbl_nme) if q: return self.qry(sch_tbl_nme)
[docs] def qry(self, *args, **kwargs): """Make a :class:`query object <dwopt._qry._Qry>`. Args ---------- *args : Positional arguments of the :class:`dwopt._qry._Qry`>. **kwargs : keyword arguments of the :class:`dwopt._qry._Qry`. Returns ------- dwopt._qry._Qry Examples -------- >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.mtcars() >>> lt.qry('mtcars').valc('cyl', 'avg(mpg)') cyl n avg(mpg) 0 8 14 15.100000 1 4 11 26.663636 2 6 7 19.742857 """ return _Qry(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, sql=None, args=None, pth=None, mods=None, **kwargs): """ Run sql statement. Features: * Argument binding. * Text replacement. * Reading from sql script file. Args ---------- sql : str, optional The sql statement to run. args : dict, or [dict], optional Dictionary or list of dictionary of argument name str to argument data object mappings. These argument data objects are passed via sqlalchemy to the database, to function as data for the argument names. See the notes and the examples section for details. pth : str, optional Path to sql script, ignored if the sql parameter is not None. The script can hold a sql statement, for example a significant piece of table creation statement. mods : dict, optional Dictionary of modification name str to modification str mappings. Replaces modification name in the sql by the respective modification str. See the notes and the examples section for details. **kwargs : Convenient way to add modification mappings. Keyword to argument mappings will be added to the mods dictionary. The keyword cannot be one of the positional parameter names. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or None Returns dataframe if the database returns any result. Returns dataframe with column names and zero rows if running query that returns zero rows. Returns None otherwise, typically when running DDL/DML statement. Notes ----- **The args and the mods parameter** An argument name or a modification name is denoted in the sql by prepending a colon symbol ``:`` before a series of alphanumeric or underscore symbols. In addition, the end of the series for the modification name is to be followed by a non-alphanumeric or a end of line symbol. This is to distinguish names such as ``:var`` and ``:var1``. The args parameter binding is recommanded where possible, while the mods paramter method of text replacement gives more flexibility when it comes to programatically generate sql statment. Examples -------- Run sql: >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.iris() >>>"select * from iris limit 1") sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa Run sql with argument passing: >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.iris() >>>"select count(1) from iris where species = :x", ... args = {'x':'setosa'}) count(1) 0 50 Run sql with text modification: >>> from dwopt import lt >>> lt.iris() >>> old = 'iris' >>> new = 'iris2' >>>"drop table if exists :var", var=new) >>>"create table :x as select * from :y", mods={'x':new, 'y': old}) >>>"select count(1) from :tbl", tbl=new) count(1) 0 150 Run from sql script: >>> from dwopt import pg, make_test_tbl >>> _ = make_test_tbl(pg) >>> = "E:/projects/my_sql_script.sql", # doctest: +SKIP ... my_run_dte = '2022-03-03', ... my_label = '20220303', ... threshold = 5) count 0 137 Above runs the sql stored on ``E:/projects/my_sql_script.sql`` as below: .. code-block:: sql drop table if exists monthly_extract_:my_label; create table monthly_extract_:my_label as select * from test where dte = to_date(':my_run_dte','YYYY-MM-DD') and score > :threshold; select count(1) from monthly_extract_:my_label; """ if sql is None and pth is not None: with open(pth) as f: sql ="sql from:\n{pth}") if mods is not None or len(kwargs) > 0: sql = self._bind_mods(sql, mods, **kwargs) return self._run(sql, args)
[docs] def table_cols(self, sch_tbl_nme): """ Show information of specified table's columns. Notes ----- Postgre sql used, `information_schema.columns <>`_: .. code-block:: sql select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_schema = ':schema_nme' and table_name = ':tbl_nme' Oracle sql used, `all_tab_columns < refrn/ALL_TAB_COLUMNS.html>`_: .. code-block:: sql select/*+PARALLEL (4)*/ * from all_tab_columns where owner = ':schema_nme' and table_name = ':tbl_nme' Parameters ---------- sch_tbl_nme : str Table name in format: `schema.table`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Examples ----------- >>> from dwopt import pg >>> pg.iris() >>> pg.table_cols('public.iris') column_name data_type 0 sepal_length real 1 sepal_width real 2 petal_length real 3 petal_width real 4 species character varying """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def table_sizes(self): """ List sizes of all tables in current schema. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Notes ----- Oracle sql used, `user_extents < USER_EXTENTS.html>`_: .. code-block:: sql select/*+PARALLEL (4)*/ tablespace_name,segment_type,segment_name ,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 table_size_mb from user_extents group by tablespace_name,segment_type,segment_name """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self): """WIP""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write(self, df, sch_tbl_nme): """Make and run a insert many statement. **Pre-processing** * Pandas Datetime64 columns are converted into object columns, and the ``pandas.NaT`` objects are converted into ``None``. * Pandas Float64 columns are converted into object columns, and the ``pandas.NaN`` objects are converted into ``None``. This should follow from a :meth:`dwopt.dbo._Db.create` call which sets up the database table with table name, column names, intended data types, and constraints. Args ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame Payload Dataframe with data to insert. sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. Notes ----- **Reversibility** Ideally python dataframe written to database should allow a exact same dataframe to be read back into python. Whether this is true depends on: * The database. * The data and object types on the dataframe. * The data types on the database table. With the set up used in the :func:`dwopt.make_test_tbl` function, following results is obtained: * The postgre table is reversible except for row order on select from database. Example fix/strategy for comparison: .. code-block:: python df.sort_values('id').reset_index(drop=True) * Sqlite stores date/datetime as text, this causes a str type column to be read back. One strategy is to convert from datatime and NaT to str and None before insertion, and convert to date and datetime when reading back. Example fix/strategy for comparison: .. code-block:: python lt.write( df.assign( time=lambda x: x.time.astype(str).where(~x.time.isna(), None)), "test2", ) tbl = ( db.qry("test2").run() .assign( dte=lambda x: x["dte"].apply( lambda x: if x else None ), time=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.time), ) ) * Oracle has same issue as postgre. In addition: * Both date and datetime are stored as date format, and are read back as datetime. * Datetime milliseconds are lost on the database. * Date are stored in dd-MMM-yy format on database. * Date passed into varchar2 type column are stored in dd-MMM-yy format. Example fix/strategy for comparison: .. code-block:: python tbl ="select * from test2 order by id").assign( dte=lambda x: x["dte"].apply(lambda x: if x else None) ) df2 = df.assign( time=lambda x: x["time"].apply(lambda x: x.replace(microsecond=0)) ) Examples -------- Write dataframe into a table. >>> import pandas as pd >>> from dwopt import lt >>> tbl = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': ['a', 'b']}) >>> lt.drop('test') >>> lt.create('test', col1='int', col2='text') >>> lt.write(tbl,'test') >>>'select * from test') col1 col2 0 1 a 1 2 b Attempt to write a dataframe into database and query back the same dataframe. >>> from dwopt import make_test_tbl >>> from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal >>> pg, df = make_test_tbl('pg') >>> pg.drop('test') >>> pg.create( ... "test", ... dtypes={ ... "id": "bigint primary key", ... "score": "float8", ... "amt": "bigint", ... "cat": "varchar(20)", ... "dte":"date", ... "time":"timestamp" ... } ... ) >>> pg.write(df, 'test') >>> df_back = pg.qry('test').run().sort_values('id').reset_index(drop=True) >>> assert_frame_equal(df_back, df) """ L = len(df) sch_tbl_nme, sch, tbl_nme = self._parse_sch_tbl_nme(sch_tbl_nme) if L == 0: return df = df.copy() cols = df.columns.tolist() for col in cols: if np.issubdtype(df[col].dtype, np.datetime64) or np.issubdtype( df[col].dtype, np.float64 ): df[col] = df[col].astype(object).where(~df[col].isna(), None) self._remove_sch_tbl(sch_tbl_nme) tbl = alc.Table( tbl_nme, self.meta, *[alc.Column(col) for col in cols], schema=sch )"running:\n{tbl.insert()}") _ = df.to_dict("records")"args len={L}, e.g.\n{_[0]}") with self.eng.begin() as conn: conn.execute( tbl.insert(), _, )"done")
[docs] def write_nodup(self, tbl, sch_tbl_nme, pkey, where=None): """Insert without creating duplicates. Does below: 1. Make and run a select statement with optionally provided where clause. 2. If step 1 returns any results and the payload table in non-empty , remove duplicates on the payload table, using the provided primary key columns as judge of duplication. 3. Make insert statement on the non-duplicating payload data via the :meth:`dwopt.dbo._Db.write` method. Args ---------- tbl: pandas.DataFrame Payload Dataframe with data to insert. sch_tbl_nme: str Table name in form ``my_schema1.my_table1`` or ``my_table1``. pkey: [str] Iterable of column name str. where: str where clause in str form. The ``where`` keyword is not needed. See also -------- :meth:`dwopt.dbo._Db.write` Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from dwopt import lt >>> tbl = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': ['a', 'b']}) >>> tbl2 = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 3], 'col2': ['a', 'c']}) >>> lt.drop('test') >>> lt.create('test', col1='int', col2='text') >>> lt.write(tbl, 'test') >>> lt.write_nodup(tbl2, 'test', ['col1'], "col1 < 4") >>>"select * from test") col1 col2 0 1 a 1 2 b 2 3 c """ cols = ",".join(pkey) where_cls = f"\nwhere {where}" if where else "" sch_tbl_nme = self._parse_sch_tbl_nme(sch_tbl_nme, split=False) db_tbl ="select {cols} from {sch_tbl_nme} {where_cls}") l_tbl = len(tbl) l_db_tbl = len(db_tbl) if l_tbl > 0 and l_db_tbl > 0: dedup_tbl = ( tbl.merge( db_tbl, how="left", on=pkey, validate="one_to_one", indicator=True ) .loc[lambda x: x._merge == "left_only", :] .drop(columns="_merge") ) else: dedup_tbl = tbl _logger.debug( f"write nodup: {l_tbl = }, {l_db_tbl = }" f", {len(dedup_tbl) = }" ) self.write(dedup_tbl, sch_tbl_nme)
class Pg(_Db): def list_cons(self): sql = "SELECT * FROM information_schema.constraint_table_usage" return def list_tables(self): sql = ( "select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name" "\n ,is_insertable_into,commit_action" "\nfrom information_schema.tables" "\nwhere table_schema" "\n not in ('information_schema','pg_catalog')" ) return def table_cols(self, sch_tbl_nme): sch_tbl_nme, sch, tbl_nme = self._parse_sch_tbl_nme(sch_tbl_nme) sql = ( "select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns" f"\nwhere table_schema = '{sch}' " f"\nand table_name = '{tbl_nme}'" ) return class Lt(_Db): def list_tables(self): sql = ( "select * from sqlite_master " "\nwhere type ='table' " "\nand name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' " ) return class Oc(_Db): def list_tables(self, owner): sql = ( "select/*+PARALLEL (4)*/ owner,table_name" "\n ,max(column_name),min(column_name)" "\nfrom all_tab_columns" f"\nwhere owner = '{owner.upper()}'" "\ngroup by owner,table_name" ) return def table_cols(self, sch_tbl_nme): sch_tbl_nme, sch, tbl_nme = self._parse_sch_tbl_nme(sch_tbl_nme) sql = ( "select/*+PARALLEL (4)*/ *" "\nfrom all_tab_columns" f"\nwhere owner = '{sch.upper()}'" f"\nand table_name = '{tbl_nme.upper()}'" ) return def table_sizes(self): sql = ( "select/*+PARALLEL (4)*/" "\n tablespace_name,segment_type,segment_name" "\n ,sum(bytes)/1024/1024 table_size_mb" "\nfrom user_extents" "\ngroup by tablespace_name,segment_type,segment_name" ) return